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Cabbage contain phytonutrients, works to protect the body from free radicals that can damage the cell membranes. Phytonutrients also signal our genes to increase its production of enzymes involved in detoxification. Cabbage may lower the incidence of cancer, especially in the lung, stomach and colon prostate. Cabbage is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcer. Cabbage is rich in iron and sulfur. Juice of fresh cabbage is effective in treating fungus infection(due to it sulfur content). Cabbage can lower serum cholesterol. Cabbage contain Sulforaphane, a substance that can increase the production of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes. Sulforaphane works by stimulating the production of glutathione, the body's most important internally produced antioxidant which plays a role in liver detoxification. Red Cabbage has more phytonutrients than the green cabbage. The vitamin C content of red cabbage is 6-8 times higher than that of the green cabbage. Red cabbage contain anthocyanin (red pigment/color) is an antioxidant that can help protect brain cells, thus can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Cabbage is a popular vegetable and is assumed that every one knows the benefits of cabbage for your health. It has many more roles for your health. It acts as medicine. It has the capacity to cure cancer and this is the known fact. There is a big history behind this vegetable if you look back to those Roman and Greeks; they used to drink white fresh cabbage to relive sore or infection eyes. They used to drink to prevent intoxication. The truth about the cabbage is that it has got multiple roles to heal your body. You can visit these lines to know what are the benefits that human body draws from the cabbage.

The foremost fact is, we use it for vegetables, salad, etc. Besides that, they are good sources of anti- inflammatory vegetable. Cabbage acts as to disinfect colon since it contains lactic acid. It also reduces your headache. People suffering from cancer should increase the intake of cabbage as it has got anti-cancer properties to heal. This is good for your skin as well. You can eat cabbage as a cooked vegetable or in the form of salad and you can take it in the form of juice. You can drink cabbage juice 25-50 ml everyday to treat headache, Asthma, bronchitis and other digestion problems. You can also dab white cabbage juice on your mouth to cure ulcer and they say it heals faster. Robert Rambin Cabbage contain phytonutrients, works to protect the body from free radicals that can damage the cell membranes. Phytonutrients also signal our genes to increase its production of enzymes involved in detoxification. Cabbage may lower the incidence of cancer, especially in the lung, stomach and colon prostate. Cabbage is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcer. Cabbage is rich in iron and sulfur. Juice of fresh cabbage is effective in treating fungus infection(due to it sulfur content). Cabbage can lower serum cholesterol. Cabbage contain Sulforaphane, a substance that can increase the production of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes. Sulforaphane works by stimulating the production of glutathione, the body's most important internally produced antioxidant which plays a role in liver detoxification. Red Cabbage has more phytonutrients than the green cabbage. The vitamin C content of red cabbage is 6-8 times higher than that of the green cabbage. Red cabbage contain anthocyanin (red pigment/color) is an antioxidant that can help protect brain cells, thus can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Cabbage is a popular vegetable and is assumed that every one knows the benefits of cabbage for your health. It has many more roles for your health. It acts as medicine. It has the capacity to cure cancer and this is the known fact. There is a big history behind this vegetable if you look back to those Roman and Greeks; they used to drink white fresh cabbage to relive sore or infection eyes. They used to drink to prevent intoxication. The truth about the cabbage is that it has got multiple roles to heal your body. You can visit these lines to know what are the benefits that human body draws from the cabbage.

The foremost fact is, we use it for vegetables, salad, etc. Besides that, they are good sources of anti- inflammatory vegetable. Cabbage acts as to disinfect colon since it contains lactic acid. It also reduces your headache. People suffering from cancer should increase the intake of cabbage as it has got anti-cancer properties to heal. This is good for your skin as well. You can eat cabbage as a cooked vegetable or in the form of salad and you can take it in the form of juice. You can drink cabbage juice 25-50 ml everyday to treat headache, asthma, bronchitis and other digestion problems. You can also dab white cabbage juice on your mouth to cure ulcer and they say it heals faster. Robert Rambin

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15y ago
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14y ago

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


== * Green cabbage * Distilled water * Blender * Plastic wrap and several containers # Step 1 Wash and chop enough of the cabbage to fill the blender. Add some of the distilled water, to approximately the 2/3 mark on the blender. Blend on high speed for one minute, or until completely blended. # Step 2 Repeat the process with two more batches. Pour into bowls, cover with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for three days. # Step 3 After three days the cultured cabbage juice will be ready to drink. Strain it first to separate the liquid and the pulp; throw the pulp away and put the liquid in the refrigerator. # Step 4 When the first batch starts to get low, repeat the process. This time, however, put 1/2 of a cup from the original batch into the new batch. This speeds the culturing process, and this batch will be ready to drink in only one day.

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9y ago

Cabbage can:

  • Prevent cancer: More than 475 studies have examined the role of cabbage in cancer prevention (and in some cases, cancer treatment). Cabbage helps prevent cancer with three different types of nutrients:
  1. Antioxidants: Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of vitamin A (which comes from its concentration of carotenoids such as beta-carotene). But in terms of antioxidants in the phytochemical category, cabbage contains polyphenols as the primary factor in its overall antioxidant capacity, including tannic acids, polyphenols, hydrocinnamic acid, flavonoids, indoles, and oxalic acid. Even white cabbage (a very lightly-colored form of green cabbage and the most commonly eaten variety of cabbage in the U.S.) provides about 50 milligrams of polyphenols in a half-cup serving. Red cabbage provides about 30 milligrams of the red pigment polyphenols called anthocyanins in each half cup. (These anthocyanins qualify not only as antioxidant nutrients, but as anti-inflammatory nutrients as well.) The antioxidant richness of cabbage is partly responsible for its cancer prevention benefits. Without sufficient intake of antioxidants, you can experience oxidative stress, and chronic oxidative stress-in and of itself-can be a risk factor for developing cancer.
  2. Anti-inflammatory nutrients: Without sufficient intake of anti-inflammatory nutrients, regulation of your inflammatory system can become compromised, and you can experience chronic inflammation. Especially when combined with oxidative stress, chronic inflammation is a risk factor for developing cancer. The anthocyanins in red cabbage are anti-inflammatory compounds, and make red cabbage an excellent anti-inflammatory food. However, all types of cabbage contain significant amounts of polyphenols that provide anti-inflammatory benefits, including caffeinic acid and kaempferol.
  3. Glucosinolates: The glucosinolates found in cabbage are converted into isothiocyanate and benzopyrrole compounds that can prevent several cancers, including bladder cancer, Breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. (A benzopyrrole is formed when isothiocyanates made from glucobrassicin are further broken down into non-sulfur containing compounds.) Different types of cabbage have an abundance of different glucosinolates. The isothiocyanates and benzopyrroles made from cabbage's glucosinolates protect you against cancer through a variety of different mechanisms. In some cases, they help regulate inflammation by altering the activity of messaging molecules within your body's inflammatory system. In other cases, they improve your body's detoxification system and leave your cells with a smaller toxic load. One study from Poland showed an impressive reduction of breast cancer risk in women consuming at least four servings of cabbage servings per week.
  • Support digestive health: Cabbage juice has long been known to help heal stomach ulcers. Cabbage contains a variety of nutrients of potential benefit to your digestive tract. These nutrients include glucosinolates and the anti-inflammatory isothiocyanates made from them, which regulate bacterial populations of Helicobacter pylori inside your stomach. These bacteria are normal stomach inhabitants, but their populations can become too large and they can latch onto your stomach lining to cause ulcers. The isothiocyanates made from cabbage's glucosinolates can lower the risk of these stomach ulcers. Cabbage also contains antioxidant polyphenols, and an amino-acid glutamine, which also support digestive health.
  • Support cardiovascular health: Cabbage helps reduce cholesterol. Your liver uses cholesterol as a basic building block to produce bile acids. Bile acids are specialized molecules that aid in the digestion and absorption of fat through a process called emulsification. These molecules are typically stored in fluid form in your gall bladder, and when you eat a fat-containing meal, they get released into your intestine, where they help ready the fat for interaction with enzymes and eventual absorption into your blood. Fiber in cabbage binds together with some of the bile acids in the intestine in such a way that they simply stay inside the intestine and pass out of your body in a bowel movement, rather than getting absorbed along with the fat they have emulsified. When this happens, your liver needs to replace the lost bile acids by drawing upon your existing supply of cholesterol, and as a result, your cholesterol level drops. Cabbage provides you with this cholesterol-lowering benefit whether it is raw or cooked; however, the cholesterol-lowering ability of raw cabbage improves significantly when it is steamed.
  • Provide other nutritional benefits: Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin C. It is also a very good source of fiber, manganese, and folate. Cabbage is also a good source of molybdenum, vitamin B6, potassium, thiamine, and calcium. It is also a source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, with 520 milligrams per 100 calories. Among the little bit of fat cabbage contains, there is a surprising amount of one particular omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. As described earlier, cabbage is also a unique source of several types of phytochemicals. Its overall antioxidant activity is most likely due to its unusual polyphenol content. With red cabbage, these polyphenols include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins. Cabbage is also unique for it rich supply of glucosinolates. These phytonutrients can be converted by the body into isothiocyanates that have special detoxification and anti-cancer properties. Interest in anthocyanin pigments continues to intensify because of their health benefits as dietary antioxidants, as an anti-inflammatory, and their potentially protective, preventative, and therapeutic roles in a number of human diseases. A 100-gram (about 3 ounces) serving of raw red cabbage delivers 196.5 milligrams of polyphenols, of which 28.3 milligrams are anthocyanins. Green cabbages yielded much less per 100 grams: 45 milligrams of polyphenols including 0.01 milligram of anthocyanins. The vitamin C equivalent, a measure of antioxidant capacity, of red cabbage is also six to eight times higher than that of green cabbage.

Cabbage, as a vegetable contains many vitamins and provides fibre or roughage in the diet.

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12y ago

If you have problems to eat raw cabbage it's great to make juice from it. Cabbage is the basic in my vegetable juices and I drink it every day. Cabbage is incredibly rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and folic acid. Make sure your cabbage is organically grown because then it will contain more of the vitamins and minerals, also selenium.

Cabbage will improve your health and if you have stomach ulcers it most probably will heal it as it is a good source of the amino acid glutamine. Cabbage juice is healthy fast-food.

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12y ago

It is for eating and for healthiness. You can use it to make dishes like slaw, stuffed cabbage, corned beef and cabbage, stir fry, bubble and squeak, colcannon, kimchi, and others.

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14y ago

they make for a Delicious soup, they taste pretty good, vegy loving animals like it,.......random stuff like that

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13y ago

it reduces stomach acids

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10y ago

Because it is a vegetable.Duh!!

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